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The School of the Greats supports the educational success of college students by having a positive impact on their:

Commitment to studies

Autonomy in their studies

Intrinsic motivation in studies

Perception of skills

Attachment to the institution

Compared to the two control groups, the participants of the School of the Greats increase, statistically significantly, several indicators of educational success, including their commitment, autonomy and intrinsic motivation to their studies. The benefits are particularly significant among students identified as at risk of academic difficulties in middle school.



In 2019 - 2020, 6 colleges and 8 primary schools participated in the School of the Greats program. Due to the pandemic the activities had to be stopped in March 2020. Therefore, there was no impact measurement for 2019 - 2020.​

Due to the pandemic, the School of the Greats remained closed during the 2020 - 2021 school year. For this reason, there is no 2020 - 2021 report.

About Foundation W.

Foundation W. is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency: 78200 5672 RR0001

 ©Foundation W. 2020-2025

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